The Jinny Data Bank is composed of 30,000 plus products and data collected over the past nine years of detailed information covering nearly the whole country in our highly sophisticated computer system. It is designed to supply you with the information you need to better serve all of your multicultural beauty care customers.databank

The information is compiled from our actual shipments and can be reported in multiple ways, depending on your needs. Monthly, quarterly or yearly by zip code, state or region and by category, brand or type of product. The information will be specific to your needs.

Now you can have the most accurate, complete and up-to-date data when planning seasonal promotions, new sizes or types of product or completely new products to address a growing category.

The information will help take the guess work out of planning new items by identifying and tracking category sales and trends. The information will track your current products to identify geographic areas that
need special or extra marketing efforts and will help quantify those results.
The information will be an invaluable tool for space allocation when doing plano-grams for your retail chain customers.

The information will make category reviews quicker, more accurate and timely. Our information is considered to be more accurate than any other type of data provided in this industry. In this era, we value information as a key element in growing any type of business.

Jinny Corp is now offering their exclusive statistical data reports of product movement to manufacturers and vendors (USA only).

The data is much more accurate than any data currently available for the multicultural beauty care industry and is now, for the first time, available for purchase! The reports can be sorted by a specific brand, type of product, region, state, city, or zip. Monthly, quarterly or annually, get only the reports your company needs.

How do you know which hair color products sell best in your Region, State and City?


For more information, Call us
Tel: 1-800-936-8733